Category: Uncategorized

IP Australia fee update

September 22, 2016

New IP Australia fee structure effective 10 October 2016 IP Australia is set to implement a new official fee structure on various activities starting 10 October 2016. Of all the changes proposed, it is trade marks that will be affected the most with the removal of registration fees and an increase in both fees for application […]

A new Code of Conduct for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys

October 4, 2013

A new Code of Conduct has been issued by the Professional Standards Board (PSB) on 18 September 2013. A copy of which can be sourced from here. The new Code of Conduct will come into force on 23 November 2013 and unlike earlier Codes of Conduct the new one is to be a statutory instrument. […]

Contact Details
Phone 61 8 8212 3133
Fax Number 61 8 8231 1273
Address Level 4, 70 Light Square, Adelaide, SA 5000
Collison & Co