Category: Patent

Received a request for fees? Check twice!

April 24, 2023

Its timely to remind everyone that if you have received a request for payment of fees relating to patent, trade marks or designs, that hasn’t come from Collison & Co then its very likely its come from a malicious sender. They look “offical”, have all the correct details and often there is an indication that […]

Received a request for fees?

October 11, 2013

Received a request for fees? We get a number of queries from clients telling us they have received a request for payment of fees and whether or not they should pay them. In short the answer is a resounding NO. Why not, it looks so real? Well there are a number of dubious companies out […]

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Phone 61 8 8212 3133
Fax Number 61 8 8231 1273
Address Level 4, 70 Light Square, Adelaide, SA 5000
Collison & Co